
We believe that better education is the way to a brighter future.

In Haiti, 50% of children do not attend school. Approximately 30% of children attending primary school will not make it to third grade; 60% will abandon school before sixth grade. Only 29 percent of Haitians 25 and above attended secondary school. Almost 80 percent of teachers have not received any pre-service training and finally, 90% of primary schools are non-public and managed by communities and religious organizations. Even if the school is public students are still paying every semester. That is about 75 percent of the Haitian population.

Today, the majority of Haitian children lack access to quality education. Schools in Haiti face challenges in funding, teacher training, and student achievement. These challenges make it exponentially more difficult for generations of Haitian children to break out of the cycle of poverty and achieve economic and social success.

CESA in summer 2021

The children and Principal F. Bernard

ENAM summer 2021

The view of inside classroom in ENAM